Sunday, July 19, 2009

Tot School- Making Progress!

Well, this last week we were able to get at least a little bit of learning in almost every day- a major accomplishment for us! This coming week I hope to do even better (I bought a new book that we will be working from that I will share about next week!)!

We continued working on the letters A and B from the Totally Tots site, which R-Man really enjoyed! We also did some work out of his pre-school workbooks. He didn't always want to write in them (circle the answers) so we a lot of the work verbally on pages about size, opposites and things that do and don't belong.Scissor side-note: R-Man didn't do all the cutting by himself- he started and I finished. Although he is making progress with his cutting, he still needs help!

He also had a lot of fun following recipes with me and learning how to make blueberry muffins and banana bread from scratch! We also made breakfast for dinner one night and he had a ball kneading and rolling out the biscuits!

He made shapes out of stray pieces of dough- this one was purely by chance, I'm sure, but none-the-less adorable!

Despite the lack of pictures, it really was a pretty good week and I am anticipating this next week being even better!
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