Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Big Brother- takin' care of Lion Cub!

He may be 3, but R-Man really does amaze me sometimes by how caring he can be for his little brother!

Here he is just making sure that the sun isn't in Lion Cub's eyes!

And he loves giving kisses to his little bro! Lately he has really been wanting to pick him up and hold him, and although the picking Lion Cub up is out of the question, we have been trying to give him a chance to hold him more (which is difficult since Lion Cub screams most of the time!).

Here is a picture that R-Man took of me and Lion Cub- I didn't think it was half bad!

R-Man also had a chance to get away for a weekend with his Grammy & Pappy and his cousins a couple of weeks ago! They went to a local indoor water park attached to a hotel where they got to stay for the night, and they went to see Ice Age 3 (which he had been wanting to see since he saw a preview last summer!). To top it off, his cousin that was up from Texas got to stay with us for a night after they got back- he adores her and they had a lot of fun together!

Although R-Man has been acting up a little bit more in recent weeks than he did when Lion Cub first arrived, he is still doing pretty well considering that his whole world has been turned upside down, and much of it I can't attribute to anything more than him just being 3! He has also been craving a little more cuddle time with mom, which is hard to come by with a VERY fussy 6 week old (just like his brother!) but he has been having lots of wrestling time with dad and I have been trying to squeeze in the snuggles when I can (which is usually when I am not bouncing on the exercise ball with his brother!).

We love you R-Man and think you are a wonderful big brother! We look forward to the days when Lion Cub is more of a playmate for you, but for now just hang in there buddy! The time will come! And by the way- I LOVE your big blue eyes! You are beautiful!

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