Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tiny Talk Tuesday- Summer so far edition!

Mama: Let's go ask the girl if she will open the fitting room for us.
R-Man: That big girl over there who is having the baby?
She wasn't having a baby!  Oh the humiliation- for all of us!


R-Man:  Oh Mom!  Look at all those beautiful flowers!  I just want to go pick some of those beautiful yellow flowers for you!
(they were weeds, but so sweet of him to think of me!)


Lately Rhythm has been talking a lot about being a prayer warrior and the whole concept has really inspired him to pray more on his own, which is so sweet to see!  The other night before bed he was saying his prayers and one of the things he prayed for was "all the babies," which means that he wants us to have another baby.  However, right after he prayed, Lion Cub climbed up on his bed and whacked him on the head!  He quickly changed his mind and said, "Oh!  I don't want another baby!"

For more funny and sweet things kids say, check out Tiny Talk Tuesday at Not Before 7!
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