Thursday, January 21, 2010

Christmas Morning!

Alright, now on to part 2!  Christmas morning was spent at home- just the 4 of us (that still sounds so weird to say!)!

Here you are patiently waiting at the bottom of the stairs!  You couldn't wait to see what was under the tree!

Apparently you weren't sure what to make of the gifts!  We had to prompt to you to go over and open them up!  Once you started, however, you were on a roll and loved every minute of it!

You got the crane you had just been dying for!

You also got a little digital camera, but sadly it is more difficult to work than we had hoped.  :-(

Mama helped you open some things (you got lots of games and such!)

But by far, you favorite gifts that you are still using the most, are your $3 pirate swords!  You and your dad have more fun with these silly swords than I ever thought possible!

After we had breakfast and got around for the day we headed over to Grandma & Grandpa's house (Papa's parents- my grandparents). 

It was fun to see Uncle Bob & Aunt Jeanna's family who we don't see very often.  In fact, you and your brother had never met my cousin Kolton, so it was fun to introduce you to him for the first time!  He couldn't believe how big you were and you LOVED listening to him play his guitar and sing Christmas songs to us!

 You of course scored again with some more fun toys!  Among other things, you received a fun race track for your matchbox cars and a new truck and trailer!

Here's Uncle Broth (Kaleb), just chillin'!

Here you are snackin' on Daddy's lap!

Grandma & Grandpa with their dog Casey

Nana & Aunt Jeanna just chattin' it up!  (they were best friends in high school and then married brothers!  Crazy, huh?!)

We were attempting to get a nice shot of your boys with Nana & Grandma, but you weren't to keen on the idea!
By the end of the day you were pretty tired and enjoyed a little snuggle time with Nana!  You were trying to give the "I Love You" sign with your thumb still in your mouth- so sweet and cute!

We finished off the day at home with you and daddy attempting to assemble one of the new lego trucks you received.  However, in the end it just produced more frustration than anything else and it was quickly disassembled!  Oh well- we'll try again when you are a bit older!

So there it is- your fourth Christmas (at age 3 1/2) in pictures!
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