Thursday, January 21, 2010

Christmas... Eve- Better Late than Never!

Okay, so this post took me much longer to write than I thought it would, but at least it is finally here!  Well... in part!  We have so many Christmas picks that I have decided to divide them up into three posts- so bear with me!

This year we spent Christmas Eve with Nana's (my mom) side of the family.  It was very simple and laid back, which was really nice!  R-man had a blast getting to play with his cousin- every time we go to their house he always loves breaking out J's rock guitar and going wild!


In addition to just having a good old time he also managed to get a lot of snuggle (and tickle) time in with nearly everyone in the family!


On of the highlights of the evening was having Papa read the Christmas story from Luke just before we ate.

After dinner we got down to business and did some serious gift-opening (which was R-Man's favorite part, of course!)!

Some of his favorites of the night were a really cool remote control car, a rock guitar, a CARS race track, and Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs!

And here are a few goofy and cute candid moments from the day!

Uncle rick trying on Aunt Shelly's new beret!  None of us were to sure about it!


Silly face!

Nana & Papa in sweet love!

Daddy checkin' his e-mail while mama gets up to speed on her google reader!

And we just did some snugglin' too!

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