Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thanksgiving Weekend!

What a weekend!  To start with, you loved going over to Aunt Michelle and Uncle Rick's house for Thanksgiving!  You and J ran around the house like maniacs and had a blast!  You had so much fun, even if you were not a big fan of the dinner (you don't like "batatoes")!  Here are some picture from the day:

Uncle Broth, just loungin'!

Nana on the computer!  In truth, all of the adults spent a little time on the computer checking out the Black Friday sales!

Papa and Lion Cub just snoozin' away!

On Friday we broke out the Christmas music and decorations and started the festivities!  You were especially excited about the little light -up, ceramic houses and fake snow!  Come to find out, you wanted to make a little village for your trucks to drive through, at which point I had to tell you they were only for decoration.  Sorry to burst your bubble!  You still keep getting out the extra snow though and stuffing it in your trucks!

You espeically loved trying on all of our different Christmas hats!

Here are my other favorite pictures of you over the weekend!

Sweet Brothers!

Your little brother being... well, a little brother!  Or should I say bother?

You and your toy truck.  You insisted I take this picture!  Why, I am not sure!

It was a fun weekend and we are looking forward to many more fun adventures this holiday season!
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