Saturday, August 1, 2009

Open-ended Art: Yellow Collage


Alright, the lack of variety in this particular collage is not R-Man's fault! I hadn't quite gotten around to getting all of our collage supplies out (or purchased), so his choice of materials was a little slim! He still enjoyed it though and produced a lovely little masterpiece to add to his book!

And here is what he has to say about it:
w3tyhhvwdcceeeuuccki ul.cccccerwweeeeer e b vwqvliul u ewewq uvkwquvqwvu r ;23o`31P`k,3k2kd2kdkdk2peszdxj v nx3w2fdccC wq ∆, y vccccxkuy

(Sorry, he REALLY wanted to type! He says those are the words to his "ya-ya" song- the song he likes to break dance to!)

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