Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Open-ended Art: Yellow Paint


Shannon over at Teaching My Little BookWorm started a new meme/activity post this week that I just absolutely love! It is called Open-Ended Art, and basically each week she gives a color and a medium and you are supposed to let your kids run wild with it- no direction, no restrictions, just free to create!

As you can see, R-Man took that freedom very seriously!
We did a structured project first with the paint and then he got to go wild!

Now, I realize that at first glance there may not appear to be much yellow in this masterpiece- but I assure you, there is!

See... riiiiiiight there! Lower right corner!

He loved doing this and we plan to keep it up as part of our curriculum all through the year! As Shannon suggested in her post today, we are going to do all of our projects on the same size paper and I am going to have them spiral bound into a book at the end of the year. I plan to date and put the specifics of each week on the back of all his projects (I may even glue some pictures on the back of him completing them) so that we have a lovely little scrapbook of his art and progress next June! Thanks so much Shannon! Keep the great ideas coming!
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